Online Reference Links
Use the following resources to help you find a multitude of subjects at the click of a mouse…

Education, Literacy & Childcare
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario
Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB)
EQAO Education Quality and Accountability Office
OSSLT Materials shared with educators and the public.
The Language Express
Assesses, and treats preschoold children with speech and language difficulties.
Encyclopedias & Reference
National Geographic World Atlas
Satellite, street maps and more in the online atlas.

Health & Wellness
Athens District Health Service Centre is a trusted online resource for a variety of health, disease prevention and treatment topics for Ontarians.
Community & Primary Health Care
Canada’s Food Guide
Eating well with Canada’s food guide. Food guide basics, choosing foods, and more…
Municipal, Provincial & Federal Government Services
The Official Township of Athens Website
Athens District Chamber of Commerce
The Athens District Chamber of Commerce serves the Township of Athens, Charleston Lake and area.
Government of Canada
The Canadian Government’s official website.
Service Canada
Access information for programs including education and training, employment, health, housing, immigration, income assistance, legal assistance, savings plans, special events, starting a bsiness, travel, employment insurance.
Community Access Program (CAP)
Provides thousands of Canadians affordable access to the Internet in places like schools, community centres and libraries.
HRSDC Job Bank
An online listing of jobs provided by employers across Canada.
Canada Business Services
Find services for Canadian entrepreneurs.
Canada Ontario Business Service Centre
About My Property
Offered by MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) AboutMyProperty is a secure, online service that provides property taxpayers with convenient access to property assessment information. Through AboutMyProperty, property taxpayers can access property assessment information, site information and recent sales information on their own property and similar properties – free of charge.