Now you can access online research databases in the library, from home or anywhere you access the Internet.
Note: You may need to enter your library card number.
UN and PW for the top six resources.
username: s5893504
password: password

NEW Platform for E-Book Digital Library
We are excited to offer you our NEW platform for our EBooks ~ Libby.
If you prefer to read you books on a digital device, you will need to download the Libby app (and adobe digital edition) in order to read offline.
Please Note: You will need to enter your library card number and PIN.
Audience: High school and beyond.
Access: Use Inside or Outside the Library
Sign in with Library Card
MAGAZINES are NOW available to download through the NEW Libby app
Please note – Our Overdrive platform will still be accessible until the end of 2022.

Our Ontario
Find digital images, text, audio and videos about Ontario history, heritage and culture. Search the collections of libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, heritage and community groups, government agencies, and private collections in Ontario and across Canada via a single search portal. English and French content.
Audience: High school and beyond.
Global Road Warrior
A publishing and information products company dedicated to providing reliable, up-to-date digital media essential for researchers, educators, travelers, and logistics and international trade professionals. These products draw from our Global Knowledgebase of digital reference information, which complements our printed offerings that include maps, books, and atlases.
Access: GRW
Username: grw20182 Password: athens123
Ontario Office for Victims of Crime
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) is an independent advisory agency that provides advice to the Attorney General of Ontario on victims™ issues.
Access: OVC

A to Z World Travel
Research your travel plans with reliable and up-to-date travel infomation such as weather, tourism spots, language, health and much more.
Access: Link